A diverse regional identity, discreet yet rich


Land of contrasts par excellence, drawing the very best from sea and soil alike (and above all from the union of the two), today more than ever before, Normandy has so many different faces to it: The picture-postcard face of its historic little towns and picturesque villages nestling in the bocage, where traditions are held dear, where local produce is celebrated and where one calls oneself a Norman but never too loudly. And then there’s the face of research, the changing faces of farming and fishing, of cutting-edge sectors heralding the future, of economic and cultural metropolises, of such international museums as the Mémorial de Caen and Cherbourg’s Cité de la Mer, of major industrial projects focusing on marine renewable energies, and of the region’s openness to the world at large thanks to its privileged geographic location. Normandy – it’s all that and much more besides…